Friday 27 May 2011


Well sorry for my late update, due to changing houses we had to wait 3 weeks to have our internet and phone line connected. Plus i have been in Sweden and back to UK and had to be of from work for 2 due to my operation. Now finally 3 weeks later i got the internet happy as a fly but no motivation to do any work. HUMBUG!!!!!!We are still waiting for all of our furniture to arrive witch i am estimating to arrive in about 2 weeks.I HATE ALL THIS WAITING!!!!

During the week i received the BPS Wessex Psychologist Bulltin where my Essay was published in earlier this year. Such a proud moment for me however i can't have done this with our Morgan, he is my true inspiration and motivation. All credit does go to him!!!!!!

Today will be doing work ("hopefully") and NOTHING...boredom. com!!! NEED get full-time job somewhere because being part worker just makes life sooo boring!!!!!


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