Tuesday 10 May 2011

Day before move in!!!!

Well today's activity has been focused just on packing, packing and again packing. You never realize how much unnecessary rubbish you have until you move. As Morgan & I finally had a day of (together that is) we decided to get some final stuff for the house such as (clothes hangers, paint, paint brush, silicon and some stuff for daddy ofcourse). I texted my best-friend (Christoph) to come and help us with some packing , the more the merrier right!!!! Christoph decided to take us out for dinner tonight witch is so kind of him, will miss him when he goes back to Germany. I'm hoping he gets a job her and stay, we would like that very much!!!

Anyways, i do like to give my oldest and sweetest friend from back home a shout out- its her 26 Birthday and I'm not very happy that I'm missing it but will have to do something when i see her on Sunday! Cant wait!!! Love you darling!!!!!

I'm gonna go and get ready as we gonna hit town in a bit! Mad love people....

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