Monday 16 May 2011

Home @ laaaast!!!!!!!!!!

Right now im back home in Sweden with my beautiful mum:) Things cant get better!!!!!I can relax, do my revision without any distractions and most of all be taken care of. Feel a bit like im a child again. She is the best mother in the world!!!!!!

Well getting to Sweden was a mission. I Didn't finish work until 1700 then head home to relax eat dinner with Morgan and pack the remaining stuff that needed packing before we head to coach station. At 21.30 i took my buss to Victoria, got there by middnight and got on to another bus that took me straight to Stansted, by that time it was 01.30. As i my flight didn't leave until 06.05 i found myself a corner (like every other 100 passangers) to sit and did revision for my exam that is coming up the 3 of June. I tell ya, by the time i acctully came to Sweden i felt like 'dead man walking' my body was soo tender and my head felt like it was about to expload.

Came home and eventually slept for 3 hours and went to bed at 2300 and slept lika a baby, didn't wake up until now tho and to be honest what to walk up too, a bunch a rain. :( Where is the good weather people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Todays mission is to get a lot of revision done for my Applied Cognitive Exam!

Pease out....

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