Tuesday 16 August 2011


Well a lot of things has happened sense the last time i was on here.  I have been so busy with work, house and basically life that i haven't had time to update my blog. Well, i have had my mother here for a few days it has been absolutely laaavly just spending time with her. She got to see our new place and i showed her the other side of southampton , as we live near the docks it's less student!!! At the moment we are saving money to buy a house very soon. And planing the wedding and all. Everything is very much up in the air but im sure we get there!! Went for an interview today and it went really well so hopefully buy en of the month ill start a full time job. Anyways peeps need to head to bed now , a day in with my love!!! Life is great is it not?!

Monday 8 August 2011

Finally after a few months we have finished decoration parts of out apartment. But alot is still need to be done to it, with time as M puts it!!!!

Friday 5 August 2011

Kaya Pare

Back from 4 days of holiday in london! It was an absolute delight to see baby Kaya for the first time. Poor thing had a cold so she was very moany but beside that she was absolutely gorgeous baby. I just love the smell of baby's no matter how much baby oil you but on your own body you never get that wonderful smell that they have. And i think its due to the fact that they only drink milk. Even tho she was cranky me and M had some cuddles with her. 

Also my best friend Elizabeth is coming to london with her husband on tuesday:) So excited that im gonna burst!!! :D

Sunday 31 July 2011

We are of to London now! The sun is shining and even tho i haven't had 1 min sleep last night im in such a great mooooooood!!!!! Will update when we are back!!:)

London BABY!!!!:)

Me and M are going to London really early tomorrow for a few days to visit his Sister Geraldine and her baby daughter Kaya =D. It's as been quit a long time sense Me & M have been away from soton.With all the stress from Uni, moving house,working over time, looking for a new job, this is exactly what we need. We haven't seen kaya sense she was born and now she is 2 months old. I think i went a bit overboard with buying stuff for her.

Thursday 7 July 2011

one of those days...

Don't you just have one of those days where you want to punch some people in the face so that some sense will be knocked into them. People have no manners and set aside the language barriers you should still think before writing things that might hurt or insult the other person. Some people are good at getting good marks in University but lack social skills BIG TIME!!! Peace out.....