Sunday 31 July 2011

We are of to London now! The sun is shining and even tho i haven't had 1 min sleep last night im in such a great mooooooood!!!!! Will update when we are back!!:)

London BABY!!!!:)

Me and M are going to London really early tomorrow for a few days to visit his Sister Geraldine and her baby daughter Kaya =D. It's as been quit a long time sense Me & M have been away from soton.With all the stress from Uni, moving house,working over time, looking for a new job, this is exactly what we need. We haven't seen kaya sense she was born and now she is 2 months old. I think i went a bit overboard with buying stuff for her.

Thursday 7 July 2011

one of those days...

Don't you just have one of those days where you want to punch some people in the face so that some sense will be knocked into them. People have no manners and set aside the language barriers you should still think before writing things that might hurt or insult the other person. Some people are good at getting good marks in University but lack social skills BIG TIME!!! Peace out.....

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Marilyn Manroe

My mum is coming yall, she will be here from the 18-21july! Can't wait for her to see my new place and have some quality time with her:D

Friday 1 July 2011

Phase 2

Well now we got our sofa set finally after a loooong wait. Slowly we are getting stuff sorted but for now i'm enjoying my little crib!!